


药学专业人员在高质量的病人护理中发挥着重要作用. The work done by 药学技术人员s helps ensure the effective and safe distribution and use of prescribed medications. 没有他们, 患者用药不当, 哪些会对患者造成轻微到严重的后果.

作为药房团队的重要成员, the role of the 药学技术人员 is to keep pharmacies operating efficiently through patient-facing and behind-the-scenes work, 从病人咨询到数据管理. 药学技术人员的工作报酬丰厚,需求稳定. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects 6% job growth for 药学技术人员s between 2022 and 2032 — double the average growth projected for all professions. 

To be successful in this role, 药学技术人员s must have a specific skill set. These core competencies enable them to successfully handle the job’s multifaceted duties with confidence. One important step in developing 药学技术人员 skills is to enroll in a 医疗技术培训计划.


药房技术人员处理药房复杂的操作. This ranges from receiving and filling prescription orders to preparing and maintaining any equipment used in the pharmacy. 他们还充当病人的提倡者,回答问题, 排除故障, 并且熟悉各种健康状况的挑战. 药学技术人员必须与病人互动, 遵守法规, 并帮助药剂师进行药物治疗和其他与护理相关的任务, 例如账单和库存管理.

药房技术人员受雇于药店,杂货店, 医院, nursing homes, and other types of 医疗 facilities such as compounding pharmacies. While they don’t have the most physically demanding job in the 医疗保健 field, 药学技术人员s must still be in good shape to handle the many elements the job entails.

因为许多雇主只雇用经过认证的药学技术人员, program graduates should plan to obtain certification through an 组织 such as the 药学技术人员 Certification Board or the National 医疗保健er Association. 另外, individuals typically must complete several hundred hours of on-the-job training before being allowed to work one-on-one with the pharmacist.


因为他们可以帮助病人解决一系列的药物需求, 药学技术人员必须具备全面的技能, 包括硬技能和软技能的混合.

1. 制药技能

Several of the competencies associated with the 药学技术人员 role directly involve pharmaceuticals, 比如理解处方, 能够计算处方, 了解品牌药和非专利药的区别. 其他则与药房管理的运营方面有关, 比如能够跟踪库存, 维护设备, 处理过期药品. 

另外, 药学技术人员s must understand the legal compliance issues associated with 医疗保健 and pharmaceuticals, such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) compliance. 所有这些任务都需要准确性,对细节的关注, 可靠性、完整性 精通数学,能同时处理多项任务.

2. 技术技能 

Pharmacy technicians interact with technological systems to complete essential tasks, 比如记录病人的信息, 跟踪库存, 办理保险理赔. This requires them to be adept at basic software programs and industry-specific applications, 比如预约调度软件. 它还要求他们能够自如地使用电脑.               

3. 管理能力

Some of the most important 药学技术人员 skills focus on the 业务 side of pharmacy operations. 这些技能通常与制药有关, such as being able to check prescriptions and determine insurance coverage. Other skills focus on operational functions, such as being able to order supplies.

4. 人际关系技巧 

Pharmacy technicians must interact with other professionals and patients. This means interpersonal competencies such as conflict resolution capabilities, 专业, 客户服务技能是工作成功的关键. These skills are particularly important when discussing critical matters with patients, such as breaking down pharmaceutical costs or explaining 医疗 directions.

5. 软技能 

The soft skills needed to succeed as a 药学技术人员 relate to personal characteristics, 他们是以最佳水平完成工作的核心. 这些软技能包括沟通, 批判性思维, 详细的方向, 组织, 时间管理, 和团队合作.

药学技术人员必须能够灵活地工作, 通过药检, 为病人保密, 他们应该能够每分钟至少打30个单词. 这份工作也有一定的体力要求, 比如能够举起, 推, or pull up to 10 pounds; sort small tablets; and stand for long periods of time.


Enrolling in a 药学技术人员 training program can help individuals polish the 药学技术人员 skills needed to be successful in the role. 培训欧博app可以帮助有抱负的药学技术人员做好准备 进入医疗保健行业, a unique sector that provides individuals with the opportunity to have a direct impact on patients’ health and well-being. 

These programs typically offer a mix of classroom and hands-on training, 让学生在受控环境中获得经验. 另外, 培训欧博app可以帮助学生为认证做准备, which can provide them with further validation of their knowledge and skills and potentially lead to a broader range of job opportunities.


A 药学技术人员 skills training program will prepare them to perform their jobs at a very high level of proficiency. 更重要的是, they can make it possible for 药学技术人员s to be a key contributor to quality 医疗保健 delivery. 他们的工作可以对患者的生活产生直接和积极的影响, 这是一个令人满意的职业选择吗. 

欧博手机版app下载的 医疗保健技术人员和技术人员 培训欧博app可以帮助你走向这个非凡的职业. 我们提供 药学技术人员课程 在阿拉巴马州的几个校园里, 路易斯安那州, 和马里兰州, each designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed. Learn how we can help you get started on a career in a great profession.

How 药学技术人员s Can Help Seniors Understand Their Medications

Indeed, “13 Reasons to Become a 药学技术人员 (With Job Duties)”
National 医疗保健er Association, Certified 药学技术人员 (CPhT)
药学技术人员 Certification Board, Certified 药学技术人员 (CPhT)
U.S. 劳工统计局,药学技师

