
How to Become a Sterile Processing Technician

HealthcareDecember 27, 2023

Market insight company Research and Markets made an interesting projection in 2022. 该机构预测,到2023年,医疗专业人员将进行超过1.08亿次外科手术. Many of those surgeries used instruments that are then used again in other surgeries.

Without sterilization measures, 在手术和其他医疗程序中重复使用的工具可能会对患者和医疗保健专业人员造成许多危险. Sterile processing technicians use sterilization, or the most advanced form of disinfection, 这是他们工作的一部分,以确保重复使用的设备不携带可能有害的微生物.

Sterile processing technician training programs 教育学生关于保持医疗器械无污染的关键过程. 完成这类培训是成为无菌处理技术人员的关键步骤之一,也是保护患者和医疗专业人员免受健康和财务风险的关键步骤之一.

What Does a Sterile Processing Technician Do?

无菌处理技术人员在每次使用医疗和实验室设备之前执行灭菌和其他任务. They may use any of a variety of machines and processes — from autoclaves, which administer pressurized steam, to dry heat cabinets and beyond. 

The work of sterile processing technicians helps safeguard patients against infection, illness, or even death. 无菌处理技术人员在帮助医疗保健提供者满足安全法规和降低法律风险方面也发挥着重要作用. 

Sterile Processing Technician Job Responsibilities

Working in settings that have medical equipment — such as hospitals, clinics, 医生办公室-无菌处理技术人员的职责通常包括:

  • Using equipment to sterilize 医疗专业人员在外科手术和其他程序中使用的器械和其他材料
  • 为医疗保健专业人员提供消毒用品和设备
  • 在手术和其他过程中消毒和整理器械托盘上的材料
  • Collecting and cleaning instruments and equipment for sterilizing after use
  • Removing and disposing of medical waste
  • Inspecting instruments for cleanliness
  • Keeping records of practices, equipment, and supplies used in sterilization
  • Reporting issues with sterilization equipment to supervisors or physicians
  • Ordering relevant medical supplies and replacing them as needed

Steps to Become a Sterile Processing Technician

Becoming a sterile processing technician starts with specialized training and education. Following are the four main steps to pursue the career.

Step 1: Complete Training

After earning a high school diploma, aspiring sterile processing technicians typically complete a focused training program. 无菌处理技术人员课程教授清洁和消毒仪器的方法,培养学生在微生物学和感染控制过程方面的知识. 

Step 2: Develop Skills

除了了解灭菌技术以及如何实施这些技术外,无菌处理技术人员还依赖于帮助他们取得成功的各种技能. The following are important skills for sterile processing technicians to develop.

  • Attention to detail. To implement sterilization procedures, 无菌处理技术人员必须密切关注,以确保他们执行过程中的每一步.
  • Collaboration. 在他们的工作中,在手术和其他程序中支持外科团队和其他医务人员, 无菌处理技术人员必须有效地与这些专业人员合作,以保持过程安全顺利地运行.
  • Communication. As professionals whose responsibilities focus on preparing equipment for use, 无菌处理技术人员通常必须根据需要联系供应商和设备维修公司, keeping other medical staff abreast of their efforts.
  • Critical thinking. Because emergencies can arise during the healthcare procedures they support, 无菌处理技术人员必须善于调整他们的工作,以适应不断变化的情况.
  • Life-saving procedures. As employees of healthcare facilities, 无菌处理技术人员通常必须知道如何进行心肺复苏术和基本生命支持(BLS)。.

Step 3: Gain Work Experience

Work experience can help sterile processing technicians build their knowledge and skills, and it’s a common requirement for professional certification. In addition to on-the-job opportunities, 通过无菌处理技术人员欧博app的现场经验可以是学生获得真实世界的一个很好的方式,因为他们加强了他们在课堂上学到的技能. 

Step 4: Earn Certification

While not all jobs in the field require it, 获得无菌处理技术员证书可以在找工作时提供优势. Even when pursuing a role for which it is not a requirement, 认证向雇主表明候选人符合认证机构的经验和知识标准.

While there are a variety of certifications, which focus on different experience levels and skills, 入门级认证的常见选择是通过以下组织.

  • Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA) -注册中央服务技术员(CRCST)要求专业人员有400小时的工作经验并通过考试.
  • Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution (CBSPD) — To earn the Certified Sterile Processing and Distribution Technician (CSPDT) title, 申请人可以通过几个选择来展示知识和经验,包括6个月或12个月的工作经验,以及通过考试.


Job Outlook for Sterile Processing Technician

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects medical equipment preparers ——包括无菌加工技术人员——至少在未来十年内就业增长强劲. 劳工统计局预计,在此期间,医疗保健行业的增长速度将远远快于整个美国就业市场的增长速度.

About 9,500 new medical equipment preparer roles will be available each year from 2023 to 2033, representing job growth of between 5% and 8%, according to BLS projections. 这种前景的一个可能原因是,大约80%的这些专业人员在医疗和外科医院工作. A 2022 report from Research and Markets projected that by 2027, 美国的外科手术数量将超过1.27亿例. 

In the Houston area, the healthcare sector already is experiencing significant growth.

休斯顿纪念赫尔曼卫生系统(Memorial Hermann Health System)在2023年发布的一份报告指出,该地区拥有超过376名患者,000 healthcare workers. The BLS reports that the area added 23,2022年10月至2023年10月期间,在医疗保健和社会援助领域创造300个就业岗位.

Take a Step Toward Becoming a Sterile Processing Technician in Texas

无菌处理技术人员在保护医疗患者和帮助他们的医疗保健提供者方面发挥着关键作用. And with a large — and growing — healthcare industry, the Houston area is a great place to pursue this important career.

If you’re interested in preparing for a sterile processing technician role in Houston, take a key step by exploring the Fortis Sterile Processing Technician School.

Offered on the North Houston and South Houston campuses in Texas, the program provides classroom instruction, hands-on training, and real-world experience. 学生可以获得知识和技能,开始他们的无菌处理技术员的职业生涯, working toward roles like those offered at Harris Health System, Houston Methodist, Memorial Hermann, Texas Children’s Hospital, and Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center.


Recommended Readings
Five Tips to Help Juggle School, Work, and Family
The Role of a Sterile Processing Technician
Signs You Need a Career Change

GerMedUSA, “A Comprehensive Guide on Cleaning Surgical Instruments” 
Healthcare Sterile Processing Association, Certification Overview
Healthline, “The Difference Between Disinfecting and Sterilizing”
Indeed Career Guide, “How to Become a Sterile Processing Technician”
Memorial Hermann Health System, “Insights, Outlook on Healthcare in Houston”
O*Net OnLine, Healthcare and Social Assistance
O*NET OnLine, Medical Equipment Preparers 
Research and  Markets, U.S. Surgical Procedures Market by Type — Forecast to 2028
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Healthcare Occupations
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Houston Area Employment — October 2023
ZipRecruiter, “What Is a Sterile Processing Technician and How to Become One”